
With These 6 Skills, Non-Technical Founders Can Easily Rock App Startups

Did you ever hear that you can’t start an app company because you can’t code? That person, however, was incorrect. Even if you are not a technical founder, there are a variety of talents that will help you operate a successful software startup.

Let’s be honest: it will be more difficult for a non-technical creator to launch an app than it will be for someone who is already technically adept. The first challenge is to get investors. Unfortunately, investors that recognize your enthusiasm and drive are few and far between. Most will simply say politely, “We don’t think you can do this.”

The second stage of challenges entails actually launching an app. Finding the ideal coders, as well as overcoming design and development obstacles, will undoubtedly be difficult.

Mobile apps have become vital tools for businesses to communicate with clients in today’s fast-paced digital era. Consider a future without your favorite apps: no social network scrolling, no food delivery to your door, and no rapid information access. Mobile apps have undoubtedly changed the way we live and conduct business.

With the Sunshine State evolving as a technological hub, mobile app development in Florida has taken center stage.

You can demonstrate your capability and persuade investors to trust you with a little additional effort and resourcefulness. You can raise enough funds to develop your app. Here’s a quick guide to all the steps you can follow to successfully develop an app, even if you’re a non-technical creator.

1. Locate a Technical Co-Founder

Of course, the first step is to identify a technical co-founder. But you already knew that, didn’t you? I understand that it’s easier said than done. However, you will need someone who is not only qualified and experienced in app development to oversee the project but also to create confidence in your investors.

Finding the ideal technical cofounder or CTO now requires more than just posting an ad on a job website. You can easily find a competent, even fantastic, developer, but finding someone you trust enough to start a business with can be difficult. Take care in who you choose. Use your networking abilities, reconnect with old coding buddies, and do whatever it takes to find the appropriate partner.

As an aside, you don’t have to believe that finding a cofounder is essential to your success. Here’s a wonderful piece on the subject.

2. Research Like Your Life Depends on It

In order for investors to realize the true potential of your business concept, you must conduct extensive research. Before you can construct prototypes and submit ideas, you must demonstrate to investors that a problem exists and that you intend to fix it. So, in order to verify the legitimacy of the problem and confirm your solution, you must conduct extensive study. Talk to a large number of people who may be affected by the problem, interview them to identify holes in the currently existing solutions, and illustrate exactly how you would fill those gaps. Demonstrate to investors that you have put in the effort and gone out there.

Not only will this sting the investors, but all of this research will lay the groundwork for you to create the most beneficial software for your target demographic.

3. Participate in Design

A well-designed sketch, wireframe, or prototype makes you appear incredibly professional and significantly increases your chances of acquiring funding or recruiting the proper team. That’s the first thing you’ll need as a startup founder.

You might not know how to develop a program, but you know exactly how it should appear. All that remains is to convey your vision to your team in a way that allows them to genuinely see and comprehend it, and to translate that vision into a stunning design.

So, to begin, start sketching. Grab a pen and paper and make a rough drawing of your basic arrangement. If done correctly, this can result in a legitimate wireframe that will not only pique the interest of investors, but will also point your team in the proper way. You can then progress to acquiring some fundamental Photoshop abilities and getting a handle on prototypes and mockups. This way, you can actively engage in the Mobile app Development process and ensure that everyone on your team is on the same page. Here’s an extremely useful Quora thread on the subject.

4. Communicate Properly

The truth is, developers sometimes appear to be speaking in a language that just vaguely resembles human English. There are a lot of technical words, phrases, and jargon that make it feel like you’re speaking a foreign language. Non-technical people are completely taken aback.

Similarly, asking a developer that you want the page to seem a little more ‘different’ or a little more ‘attractive’ is too ambiguous to offer practical feedback. Instead, practice giving specific, on-point comments such as, “Let’s not have a sign-up page on entry,” “Let’s use autofill on the search,” or “Let’s make the ‘Buy Now’ button red and 20% larger.”

5. Pre-Sell, Sell, and Upsell…Simply sell

As a non-technical founder, the most important task you should have been to sell. While the developer is working on the app, you can create some mockups and start pushing your app on social media to generate interest and begin developing an email list. You may develop a robust mobile marketing plan so that you are ready when the app is ready to go live. You can start planning the details, such as app store optimization strategy, ad campaigns, and everything else required to sell the software.

Linkitsoft is here to make all of your app ideas come true. We are giving you the opportunity to employ specialized react native developers to construct your own app. The app universe is expanding at a breakneck pace. And in order to dominate it, you must design an app that matches your company strategy while also standing out from the crowd. To accomplish this, you will need to hire React Native app developers. And you can do so with the help of Linkitsoft’s professional React Native engineers. Our team will create your app with as many benefits and features as feasible while keeping costs to a minimum.

6. Take care of everything else

It’s your company. The code is being written by a developer. Everything else, and we mean everything, is on your shoulders. Prepare to assist with any work that requires assistance and do whatever it takes to help your colleagues accomplish their job better.


In business, lacking one ability merely means compensating with another, but you never give up on your dream. So, if you want an app-based tech startup, you’ll get one, even if you never created a single line of code.

So, you can’t show off your JavaScript skills. But it isn’t all it takes to start and run a business. At Linkitsoft, other abilities such as project management, networking, talent scouting, and others are just as important, if not more, than coding proficiency.

You can always find someone to handle the technical aspect of business if you bring these skills to the table and put them to good use.