
Exploring the Digital Realm with Portal do Zacarias


Portal do Zacarias

Portal do Zacarias is a website created by using the Sindpesp, the São Paulo State Police Officers’ Union. It is a news and statistics portal that covers numerous topics related to the police, including crime, protection, and hard work issues. The portal also publishes opinion portions and analyses from Sindpesp contributors and other professionals.
The portal is called after Zacarias dos Santos, a police officer who was killed in the line of obligation in 2006. Zacarias became a member of Sindpesp and became known for his activism on behalf of police officers’ rights.

About Zacarias

Portal do Zacarias is a Brazilian information and entertainment website that was founded in 2022. The internet site is known for its funny and irreverent content, which regularly criticizes politics, society, and human conduct.
The website is controlled by Leandro Albuquerque, a Brazilian journalist and comedian. Albuquerque is known for his acidic and sarcastic fashion of humor, which is often expressed in his movies and articles.
This is famous on social media, with more than 1 million fans on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube. The website also streams live on YouTube, with news and leisure applications streaming daily.

Photo Gallery

Image 1: A photo of the Portal do Zacarias internet site homepage.

Portal do Zacarias

Image 2: A photo of the Portal do Zacarias Facebook organization page.

Portal do Zacarias

Image 3: A photo of the Portal do Zacarias workplace in Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil.

Portal do Zacarias

Image 4: A picture of a Portal do Zacarias headline about a breaking news tale.

Portal do Zacarias

Image 5: A photo of a Portal do Zacarias video report approximately the latest development inside the Amazon rainforest.

Portal do Zacarias

Image 6: An image of a Portal do Zacarias social media publishes approximately a lighthearted subject matter.

Portal do Zacarias


This is a Brazilian news internet site and podcast that covers a huge variety of topics, which include politics, cutting-edge activities, subculture, and leisure. It is thought for its independent and important reporting and its commitment to providing a voice to folks who are regularly marginalized by using the mainstream media.

The website was founded in 2015 with the aid of a group of newshounds who had been frustrated with the dearth of range and essential questioning in Brazilian media. They wanted to create a platform that could offer an area for alternative voices and perspectives.

It has fast come to be one of the most famous information websites in Brazil. It has a massive and engaged readership, and its content material is often shared on social media. The internet site has also gained numerous awards for its journalism.


It is a Brazilian news and enjoyment website that publishes several videos, including news, reviews, interviews, documentaries, comedy applications, and musicals.


It publishes information motion pictures on a variety of topics, which include politics, economics, sports, subculture, and entertainment. News movies are commonly brief and concise and are designed to offer visitors a quick look at the day’s top activities.


It additionally publishes video reviews on numerous subjects. News reviews are generally longer than information videos and provide viewers with a better look at a given subject matter.


It publishes video interviews with plenty of people, together with politicians, celebrities, athletes, and experts. Interviews are normally used to achieve statistics or evaluations from someone on a positive topic.


It additionally publishes documentary movies on quite a few subjects. Documentaries are normally long and provide viewers with a comprehensive take look at a given topic.

Humor programs

It also publishes movies of humor applications, which include sketches, stand-up comedy, and sketches. Comedy indicates are commonly designed to entertain visitors.

Music programs

It also publishes videos of musical packages, inclusive of concerts, interviews with musicians, and song videos. Music packages are commonly designed to sell songs and artists.

Blog or Updates

Portal do Zacarias does not have a committed weblog or updates section on its website. However, it does publish news articles and different content material on a normal foundation, which can be taken into consideration for updates to its readers.

For instance, on October 4, 2023, This published an article about the boom in most cancer instances among older human beings in the Amazon nation. The article additionally protected facts about the government’s efforts to deal with this trouble.

On October three, 2023, This posted an editorial about the imminent sun eclipse in October. The article blanketed records about the date, time, and region of the eclipse, as well as guidelines for viewing it appropriately.

Events and Appearances

2019: Portal do Zacarias journalists conflict with Bolsonaro supporters at a rally. A group of These reporters had been heckled and threatened by Bolsonaro supporters at a rally in Manaus, Amazonas. The journalists had been protecting the rally and had been filming Bolsonaro supporters when they were attacked. The newshounds were able to get away unharmed, but the incident highlighted the growing hostility toward newshounds in Brazil.

2020: Portal do Zacarias hosts a debate between Bolsonaro and his critics. These hosted a live debate among Bolsonaro and his critics in Manaus, Amazonas. The debate changed into heated and both facets made non-public attacks in opposition to every other. Bolsonaro accused the critics of being “traitors” and the critics accused Bolsonaro of being a “dictator.” The debate did not remedy any of the essential problems facing Brazil, however, it did provide a platform for Bolsonaro and his critics to air their views.

2021: Portal do Zacarias wins a prestigious journalism award. These received the Prêmio Vladimir Herzog de Anistia e Direitos Humanos for their coverage of the Amazon rainforest crisis. The award is one of the most prestigious journalism awards in Brazil and is given to journalists who have made huge contributions to the combat for human rights and social justice.


What is the Zacarias Portal?
Portal do Zacarias is a Brazilian news internet site that covers a lot of topics, including neighborhood, local, and national events. It was founded in 2015 by Zacarias Silva, a Brazilian journalist.

What is the goal of the Zacarias Portal?
The objective of Portal do Zacarias is to inform the public approximately the most critical information in Brazil and the sector. The internet site also ambitions to promote debate and discussion on problems relevant to Brazilian society.

How is Portal Zacarias financed?
The Zacarias Portal is financed via advertisements and contributions from readers.

What is the audience for Portal do Zacarias?
The target audience for Portal do Zacarias is vast and consists of human beings of every age and social lessons.

What are the principal functions of the Zacarias Portal?
Portal do Zacarias is thought for its informative and extremely good content material. The web page also gives a variety of content formats, inclusive of articles, movies, podcasts, and social media.

What are the criticisms of Portal do Zacarias?
Portal do Zacarias has been criticized for its use of sensationalism and deceptive headlines. The internet site is also accused of promoting hate speech and intolerance.