
EMDR Consulting Training vs. Other EMDR Programs: Which One is Right for You?

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy has garnered recognition as a powerful and effective approach to treating trauma and various psychological conditions. As the demand for EMDR therapy continues to rise, individuals interested in becoming EMDR therapists or consultants are faced with a choice: EMDR consulting training onilne 2024 or other EMDR programs. This comprehensive article will explore the distinctions between EMDR Consulting Training and alternative EMDR programs, helping you determine which path aligns best with your professional goals and aspirations.

Understanding the EMDR Approach

Before delving into the specifics of EMDR Consulting Training and alternative EMDR programs, let’s revisit the fundamentals of EMDR therapy and its importance in the field of mental health.

EMDR therapy, developed by Francine Shapiro in the late 1980s, is a structured, evidence-based approach primarily used to treat individuals suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and trauma-related issues. Its applications have expanded to encompass a broad range of psychological conditions, including anxiety, depression, phobias, and more.

The core principles of EMDR therapy include:

History Taking: Gathering comprehensive information about the client’s history and identifying target memories or experiences for therapy.

Desensitization: Encouraging clients to recall traumatic memories while simultaneously engaging in bilateral stimulation, often achieved through eye movements. This process helps desensitize the emotional charge associated with these memories.

Installation: Introducing positive beliefs and affirmations to replace negative beliefs linked to traumatic memories.

Body Scan: Encouraging clients to scan their bodies for any remaining physical tension or distress related to the traumatic memories. This step ensures that all aspects of the trauma are processed.

Closure: Assisting clients in stabilizing and returning to a state of equilibrium. Clients are taught self-soothing techniques to manage any residual distress between sessions.

Reevaluation: Subsequent sessions may involve revisiting progress and addressing any remaining issues or targets.

The efficacy of EMDR therapy is well-established, and its successful implementation relies on therapists who have received proper training and supervision. This is where EMDR Consulting Training and other EMDR programs come into play.

EMDR Consulting Training

EMDR Consulting Training, often provided by organizations such as EMDR Consulting, represents a structured and comprehensive approach to EMDR therapist and consultant training. Here are the key features of exploring EMDR for eating disorders:

1. Rigorous Curriculum

EMDR Consulting Training programs typically offer a thorough and structured curriculum that covers the entire spectrum of EMDR therapy. This includes didactic instruction, practical experience, and supervision. The curriculum is designed to equip participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to become proficient EMDR therapists and, for some, EMDR consultants.

2. Supervision by Experienced Consultants

A distinguishing feature of EMDR Consulting Training is the opportunity for participants to receive supervision and guidance from experienced EMDR consultants. This supervision is invaluable for honing EMDR therapy skills, gaining practical experience, and navigating complex cases.

3. Certification Opportunities

EMDR Consulting Training often leads to certification as an EMDR therapist, indicating that participants have met specific training requirements and demonstrated competence in delivering EMDR therapy. For those interested in becoming EMDR consultants, these programs provide a clear path to consultant certification.

4. Ethical Emphasis

Ethical practice is a fundamental component of EMDR Consulting Training. Participants are trained to adhere to ethical guidelines, ensuring the safety and well-being of their clients while practicing EMDR therapy.

5. Ongoing Support

Participants in EMDR Consulting Training programs benefit from ongoing support and resources, even after completing their initial training. This support may include access to a community of EMDR practitioners, updates on EMDR developments, and opportunities for continued education.

Alternative EMDR Programs

While EMDR Consulting Training is a well-recognized and respected option, there are alternative EMDR programs available as well. These programs may differ in several ways:

1. Curriculum Variability

Alternative EMDR programs may offer varying levels of curriculum depth and structure. Some programs may focus on specific applications of EMDR therapy or emphasize certain aspects of the EMDR process more than others.

2. Supervision Sources

In contrast to EMDR Consulting Training, alternative programs may source supervision from a variety of practitioners, some of whom may not be certified EMDR consultants. This can result in variability in the quality and consistency of supervision.

3. Certification Paths

While some alternative programs may lead to certification, others may not provide a direct path to certification as an EMDR therapist or consultant. This can affect participants’ ability to establish themselves as credentialed EMDR practitioners.

4. Ethical Emphasis

The degree to which ethical practice is emphasized can vary among alternative EMDR programs. Participants should carefully evaluate whether a program aligns with their ethical values and standards.

5. Post-Program Support

The availability of post-program support and resources may differ among alternative EMDR programs. Participants should consider whether ongoing support is essential to their professional development.

Which Path is Right for You?

The choice between EMDR Consulting Training and alternative EMDR programs ultimately depends on your specific goals, values, and circumstances. Here are some key considerations to help you determine which path aligns best with your aspirations:

Consider Your Career Goals

If you aspire to become a certified EMDR therapist or consultant, EMDR Consulting Training programs may offer a more direct and structured path to certification. Ensure that the program you choose aligns with your career objectives.

Assess the Curriculum

Examine the curriculum of the program you are considering. Does it cover the topics and skills you believe are essential for your practice of EMDR therapy? Consider whether the depth and structure of the curriculum meet your needs.

Evaluate the Supervision

Supervision is a critical component of EMDR training. If receiving supervision from experienced EMDR consultants is important to you, EMDR Consulting Training may be a preferred choice. Be sure to assess the quality and consistency of supervision in alternative programs.

Review Certification Opportunities

If certification as an EMDR therapist or consultant is a priority, inquire about the certification process within your chosen program. Ensure that the program provides a clear path to certification that aligns with your professional goals.

Consider Ethical Alignment

Evaluate the program’s stance on ethical practice and whether it aligns with your ethical values and standards. Ethical considerations are fundamental in the practice of EMDR therapy.

Think About Post-Program Support

Consider whether post-program support and ongoing resources are essential to your professional development. Some EMDR programs offer a robust network and ongoing support, while others may provide limited post-program resources.


In conclusion, the choice between EMDR Consulting Training and alternative EMDR programs is a significant decision for aspiring EMDR therapists and consultants. The decision should be guided by your career goals, the depth of curriculum you desire, the quality of supervision you need, your desire for certification, alignment with ethical standards, and the importance of post-program support.

Both EMDR Consulting Training and alternative programs can provide valuable training in EMDR therapy. Ultimately, the right choice is the one that aligns most closely with your professional aspirations and values, ensuring that you are well-equipped to deliver high-quality EMDR therapy and contribute to the well-being of clients in need of trauma treatment and psychological healing.